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Hasami Porcelain is a modular tableware and serving system. It is the perfect fusion of modern Japanese aesthetics and traditional craftsmanship.
Because of their common diameter, Hasami designs are multifunctional. For example, plates can also be used as a lid or as a coaster and bowls work just as well as Mugs.

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Hasami has a long tradition

The historic cityHasamiin Nagasaki Prefecture is one of the most important pottery districts in Japan. Hasami began producing porcelain ware almost 400 years ago during the Edo period, which was distributed throughout Japan and also Europe through the port of Nagasaki. The artisans of Hasami were able to develop a highly efficient system for mass producing their porcelain products, achieving consistent quality and a reasonable price.

Japanese aesthetics and traditional craftsmanship

The collection is a mixture of porcelain and clay in a specific ratio. The charm lies in its texture: it is stronger and sharper than ceramic, but still pleasant to the touch. The dishes feel softer and more organic than normal porcelain. It is the perfect fusion of modern Japanese aesthetics and traditional craftsmanship.


HASAMI PORCELAINwas designed by Takuhiro Shinomoto of Tortoise in Venice, CA, whose vision was to combine modern tableware design with the organic quality of traditional Japanese manufacturing techniques.

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Wir, Alexandra Pfister und Stefan Wiedmer, gründeten 2014 den Concept Store «ASANDRI STUDIO» in Zürich. Wir legen Wert auf gut gestaltete Produkte, die nachhaltig und langlebig sind.

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